Solution to my Confusions

I just finished watching a movie on star movies, “Ladder 49”. It was a story of a fireman and his duty towards the community. I felt - saving a life of someone means a lot. I was really impressed by the way these people serve the nation. Then I thought about my profession. Am I just into money minting and white collar job, or is that traffic policeman in the morning near the crossing, contributing better to the society? Are the soldiers on the borders of Srinagar, Rajasthan, Punjab or anywhere serving the nation much more than me and that too at a lower salary? Are those security guards and policeman who have to stand in the sun on hot summers serving the community better than I am in centrally air condition environment sitting on imported furniture ? I am not sure if such thoughts come into your mind or may be I am one of those few eccentric ones! But then another voice within me spoke out in a shrewd manner, “I am paying good sum of tax to the government, my buying power is increased with the salary I get and there is a lot of rotation of money. So in a way I am contributing to the economy of the nation.”
I once read in one of the biographies, “If every individual does his work with sincerity, the nation will prosper.” Imagine, every driver on the road driving with the right speed and within traffic norms, imagine every sweeper cleaning the area he is allotted with sincerity and commitment, imagine if every shopkeeper sells the goods with sincerity – the answer is obvious – moving towards a better organized, cleaner and less cunning nation and making the world a nice and happy place to live in. What I am saying in these few words is nothing new and is same what Japanese called ‘Kaizen’ or Americans called Six Sigma or different scholars gave it different names along with some good statistical calculations. I think the concept is quite straightforward. I concluded finally that the simple thing to remember is “I need not worry about changing the whole world around me. But what I need to remember is that I shall do my job with sincerity and commitment.” I have taken that first step towards it. Have you ?
Author ...... GAGAN

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